We team up with Birds’ Eye View to bring you a female-focused film review of 2020. Despite the knockback the film industry as a whole has faced this year, a record number of films by women were released in cinemas and on digital. Host Anna Smith welcomes Mia Bays, Delphine Lievens and Allison Gardner onto this very special episode to discuss the highlights. Delphine, the Senior Box Office Analyst for Gower Street, delves into the intersections of the stats. Allison, the CEO at Glasgow Film, looks at how cinemas have been coping. And Mia unpacks the work Birds’ Eye View has done this year. Together, they offer a positive and critically constructive outlook on the intersectional inclusion of women in all areas of the film industry. Stay tuned for special appearances from some of the most celebrated filmmakers of 2020, from Halina Dyrschka to Zeina Durra.